Oral Fluid / Saliva Drug Tests
Why choose CMM Technology as your Oral Fluid / Saliva Drug Test provider?
CMM Technology provides our clients with quality reliable, consistent and accurate devices from trusted manufacturers that are international industry leaders in the manufacture of Oral Fluid devices, such as Abbott and Drager.
You can choose between digital technology to remove the guesswork and provide a complete solution and the traditional self-read immunoassays. We can assist in the decision-making process by providing an independent assessment of your options and providing well thought out solutions.
When you choose CMM Technology you are in safe hands.
Our commitment to quality and service is apparent by our NATA and ISO accreditations and our commitment to participate in an independent Oral Fluid QAP (Quality Assurance Procedure) on our devices.
Since 2002 we have been a leading supplier of all things drug and alcohol testing, our knowledge & experience saves you time, money and gives peace of mind that you have chosen a supplier that has got your best interests at heart and the wherewithal to support you.
If you would like to find out more you can chat live, call us on 1300 79 70 30 or drop us an email.