ISO 9001 - Quality Management

ISO 9001 is a quality management system that demonstrates our organisation's commitment to quality, for the purpose of improving productivity, reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction.

What Does ISO 9001 Stand For?

ISO stands for International Organisation for Standardisation whilst the number '9001' is the ICS (International Classification for Standards) and refers to it being part of the 9000 'family'.

The ISO 9001 standard requires a company to meet quality standards for both its own requirements and those of its customers and regulators. “ISO 9001 certified” means an organisation has met the standards of the ISO 9001 quality management system, helping us to identify and implement improvements to our organisation’s processes.

By gaining certification, our organisation is equipped with a quality manual outlining processes, and the necessary management tools to improve working practices throughout our entire organisation, helping us to provide continued excellence in customer service.